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PRP Facial Rejuvenation |
Boca Raton

At LifeGaines in Boca Raton, we offer PRP facial rejuvenation to help refresh your look

PRP Facial Rejuvenation in Boca Raton

PRP Facial Rejuvenation Boca Raton FL

What if there was a way to achieve a youthful, healthy glow without going under the knife?

New technologies and a deep understanding of how our bodies heal have led to a way to use Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) in your blood to turn back the time for your skin.

See what PRP facial rejuvenation can do for you!

PRP Facial Rejuvenation is the secret to glowing, younger-looking skin!

Benefits of PRP Facial Rejuvenation in Boca Raton

PRP Facial Rejuvenation has been said to be the “fountain of youth.” They’re said to improve everything from hyperpigmentation to acne scars as well as boost collagen production (for tighter, smoother, and newer-looking skin). No wonder it has received so much attention, especially from women in Boca Raton.

A PRP facial has been shown to relieve skin issues caused by aging. PRP contains growth factors that induce your skin to produce collagen, create new capillaries, and generally begin a healing reaction. PRP facial rejuvenation allows your skin to speed up the healing process, rejuvenating old, damaged skin.

The LifeGaines Med Spa specializes in PRP Facial Rejuvenation, a medical-grade skin resurfacing procedure. The treatment is so safe that even people with sensitive and acne-prone skin can undergo it.

There are so many advantages to PRP Facial Rejuvenation, such as:

  • Plump up sagging skin – PRP Facial Rejuvenation helps facilitate collagen production. Collagen and elastin are increased, which helps plump up the sagging and hollow areas of the face.
  • Reduction of wrinkles – PRP Facial Rejuvenation promotes faster cellular turnover. This way, more new skin cells are produced to tighten the skin, therefore eliminating fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Improved complexion and diminished acne scars – Those with acne scars, hyperpigmentation, or poor skin tone or texture may benefit from PRP facials. Just a few short days after one session, you will experience a dramatic improvement in the appearance of your skin.
  • Tighter, firmer skin – PRP facials help increase collagen production, giving you tighter and firmer skin. Collagen plumps up the skin to give you that hydrated and healthier look.

How does PRP Facial Rejuvenation Work?

Platelet-rich plasma is used in aesthetics to regenerate the skin without using chemicals or invasive plastic surgery methods. PRP is a quick, easy procedure that uses your blood and is completed on the same day as your facial.

Before any procedure, we will assess your family and medical history and discuss your goals and desired results. This way, we can determine if PRP Facial Rejuvenation is suitable for you. If you have a bleeding disorder, are taking anticoagulation medications, or have an active infection, it is recommended that you avoid PRP facials.

A centrifuge separates your platelets from your blood after drawing a small amount of blood. Your blood’s growth factors are then activated and ready to assist your skin’s healing process.

A PRP facial rejuvenation is an advanced skincare treatment that harnesses the body’s natural healing abilities to reveal younger-looking skin.

What happens during PRP Facial Rejuvenation

LifeGaines Med Spa in Boca Raton offers platelet-rich plasma facials to help in reducing signs of aging on your face. PRP facial rejuvenation works to generate collagen in the skin and help your face look fuller and younger-looking.

PRP Facial Rejuvenation treatments usually involve three major steps

  1. Venous blood is extracted from the arm. It is then centrifuged to separate the platelets from the red blood cells. Platelets have an essential role in the healing process of different body parts. PRP contains growth factors, which trigger cell reproduction and stimulate tissue regeneration and healing.
  2. The skin is exfoliated and prepped, usually using a Dermapen or microneedling technique. This will allow the PRP the most access to your skin.
  3. Concentrated plasma is then applied to the skin with a brush and allowed to soak in, triggering the body to produce its collagen.

Good Candidates for PRP Facial Rejuvenation

Anyone who wants to clean their skin deep is a good candidate for PRP Facial Rejuvenation. Other skin conditions that PRP Facial Rejuvenation may target include:

  • Acne scars
  • Dark spots
  • Fine lines around the eyes
  • Loose skin on the neck
  • Dark circles and puffiness around the eyes

What to expect after PRP Facial Rejuvenation in Boca Raton

PRP Facial Rejuvenation Boca Raton FLA PRP Facial usually takes upwards of 30 minutes to complete every step. Women here in Boca Raton just love PRP Facial Rejuvenation because it has little to no downtime or recovery time.

Unlike invasive procedures, swelling and skin irritation are usually minimal. It is possible to experience slight redness due to microchannels created in the skin during microneedling.

Most patients reported glowing skin within three weeks of having a PRP facial. However, the best results are seen around 3 to 6 months as new collagen is deposited in the skin, which reduces wrinkles over time.

We recommend two treatments of PRP six weeks apart for best results, but patients with more problem areas may require 3 or 4 treatments with a standard six-week recovery period. Since PRP facials are made of blood cells and plasma, side effects are very uncommon.

However, even though this procedure uses your blood, which minimizes the risk of infection or autoimmune response, it is still possible to experience consequences if you have any of the above conditions.

Explore your options at LifeGaines MedSpa in Boca Raton

We offer different noninvasive procedures to rejuvenate loose skin, restore your skin’s youthful glow, and reduce fine lines. Our team at LifeGaines Med Spa Boca Raton can work with you to identify and address your problem areas and help you determine if PRP facials are suitable for you.

  • Vampire FaceLift® – A vampire facelift is a procedure designed for people looking to achieve healthy, rejuvenated, and youthful skin without undergoing surgery.
  • Vampire Facial® – The vampire facial is a procedure that has recently gained popularity. It has nothing to do with vampires; the name is derived from the patient’s blood to restore a youthful look.

Begin your journey to more radiant and younger-looking skin. Contact LifeGaines today at (561) 931-2430 to learn more about PRP Facial Rejuvenation in Boca Raton.

Common Questions About PRP Facial Rejuvenation

  • Results may vary depending on different factors. In general, results from the PRP facial may remain from 1 to 2 years following your treatment, as new skin cells and collagen are produced.

  • PRP Facials and Botox are different treatments that you can do together. Botox relaxes your facial muscles to have smoother skin without wrinkles and fine lines. Meanwhile, PRP uses your blood to stimulate the growth of new, healthier skin cells on your face.

  • Yes! PRP encourages your body to produce localized blood vessels and new skin cells with healthier collagen structures. PRP is unlikely to cause blindness if injected into the vessels under your eye by mistake.

  • In the months following your PRP Facial, your body will produce new skin cells and collagen. In addition to plumping your cheeks and hands, these new cells will reduce the appearance of wrinkles and folds on your skin.