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Posted February 25, 2019
By Dr. Richard Gaines
Hormone Therapy

Give Your Face and Your Spirits a Lift with a Botox Facelift!

Do you sometimes feel you are surrounded by younger-looking, chic people? Where have all the hags and geezers gone? Our Boca Raton area is thronged with stylish, smiling, sexy men and women.

As they say, 60 is the new 50 . . . or 40. There is no excuse these days for looking like great-grandmother did in her day. A haggard look can impede your career, your love life, and your self-esteem!

We have medical technology and techniques to help a face retain its youthful impression. With all the time we invest at the gym and in making sure we look and feel our best, why should our faces be neglected?

But let’s start at the beginning.

Botox Facelift: Botox is The Gold Standard

botox injections boca raton

This time-tested procedure has been used by millions of patients. It is a prescription medicine, injected into the skin around the forehead, eyes, and nose to smooth wrinkles and make the face look taut and firm.

Botox treatment takes less than an hour. It starts working within 7 days and will continue to work its magic for 4-5 months.

But Botox is hardly the end of the story. Here at LifeGaines Med Spa Boca Raton, Dr. Gaines also has non-surgical methods of restoring a youthful look, such as dermal fillers. Unlike Botox, which relaxes the muscles, dermal fillers add volume.

Apply a Little Lift of Happiness With Dermal Fillers

The principle behind this type of treatment is to fill in the volume that is lost as we grow older. As we age, our faces lose the plumpness provided by young subcutaneous fat. Facial muscles are closer to the surface, which emphasizes frown lines and wrinkles.

We can reverse this process by injecting natural substances under the skin. This restores fullness to the lips, softens facial creases and wrinkles, and generally results in a younger appearance.

According to the American Academy of Plastic Surgeons, dermal fillers can be used for any of the following:

  • enhance shallow contours (such as filling in sunken cheeks)
  • soften wrinkles and crease lines
  • minimize the appearance of scars
  • make lips look fuller and plumper

Now there is a new wrinkle, so to speak, in dermal fillers— the use of your body’s own platelets. You may have heard of Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) being used in the surgical suite, or to speed healing in high-profile athletes.

We can now combine PRP with microneedling and apply it as a facial therapy. This amazing technique employs your own body’s weapons to achieve the visage you want to see in the mirror.

Microneedling: Tiny Needles Make Subtle Changes to the Skin

Micro-needles make micro-channels. That’s the principle, in short, behind PRP microneedling.

This unique procedure, which utilizes many tiny needles to create thousands of microscopic channels (called a cascade) through the skin. Your body perceives this as an injury and rushes in to repair the site— producing increased blood flow, collagen, and elastin to your facial tissues.

While either PRP or microneedling is effective on its own, we recommend they be combined. The result is correction plus enhancement.

The real beauty of this treatment is that the outer layers, the epidermis, are not affected. So there is no scarring and minimal recovery time.

This treatment is recommended for rejuvenating the face and minimizing scars, broken capillaries, acne, tiny wrinkles . . . . Since it’s maintenance therapy, not surgery, it can be repeated as often as you feel it’s necessary.

If you feel you’re ready for a spring make-over, give us a call, and let’s discuss some of the new tools we have on hand. Medical science never rests in its quest to keep us young, vital, and beautiful. Why should you feel like the oldest face in the crowd, or at the party?

LifeGaines is just a phone call away: (561) 931-2430