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Shockwave for ED: Things You Should Know About Erections

Learn interesting facts about getting hard and how Shockwave for ED in Boca Raton can help you!

Shockwave for ED Boca Raton FLYou probably know how erections are important during sexual intercourse with your partner.

Yet, it can be embarrassing to ask someone to talk about erections.

The truth is that erectile dysfunction is common, and most older men will have problems with them at some point.

Here in Boca Raton, LifeGaines Med Spa offers Shockwave for ED, a breakthrough treatment for men with erectile dysfunction (ED).


Erectile dysfunction can prevent you from having intimate relations with your partner. We offer erectile dysfunction treatment so you can experience the benefits of sex.

What happens during an erection?

Most of the time, the penis is flaccid and just hangs around. A boner, also called an erection, is the hardening of the penis. The penis is temporarily engorged with blood and becomes enlarged and hard.

Usually, an erection occurs when a man gets turned on and is sexually aroused. You may also experience spontaneous erections, and waking up with “morning wood” is entirely normal.

What is erectile dysfunction?

Everyone with a penis gets an erection. However, a condition called erectile dysfunction (ED) might occur because of varying reasons.

Poor blood flow to the penis is often the root cause of erectile dysfunction; the vessels that supply blood into the penis narrow, leading to ED. Erectile dysfunction is defined as the inability to get and/or maintain an erection during sexual intercourse.

There are many possible causes of erectile dysfunction, such as underlying medical conditions, low testosterone, stress, and anxiety.

Interesting facts about erections and erectile dysfunction

Here are some things you should know about erections!

1. Erectile dysfunction doesn’t mean you can’t ever get hard.

Most people think that erectile dysfunction refers to complete impotence, and you won’t be able to have sex. Having ED includes a slew of problems involving erections and sexual performance.

Erectile dysfunction is defined as difficulty achieving and sustaining a firm enough erection for penetration. ED is NOT an inability to get an erection at all.

ED can involve getting an erection but not maintaining it, or having trouble getting an erection because of performance anxiety. Many people with ED can get an erection under certain circumstances, but not others.

2. Men of any age can have erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction can affect anyone, regardless of age. Although age is associated with a higher prevalence of ED, it’s not limited to older men in their 50s, 60s, and 70s.

ED is indeed more common in older men than in younger men; however, it can and does affect men of all ages. Some men in their 30s and 40s can experience some form of erectile dysfunction.

Take note though, that ED is not a normal part of aging. If you have symptoms of ED, it’s best to consult a health professional.

3. Men can have 3 to 5 erections per night.

Each guy is different, so there is no “normal number” of erections. Some men may experience several erections throughout the time, while some may not. An average man has 11 erections daily, with three to five erections while sleeping at night.

4. Erectile dysfunction is pretty common.

It’s pretty hush-hush to talk about erectile dysfunction, as it usually affects one’s self-confidence. However, did you know that having ED is actually common? In the United States alone, 30 million men have ED.

5. Erections are not required to have an orgasm.

Men who cannot achieve erections can still feel turned on and even orgasm and ejaculate. Men can experience the high of an orgasm without an erection. In addition, most men with ED can still ejaculate even without having an erection.

6. Your lifestyle habits can contribute to erectile dysfunction.

There are different causes of erectile dysfunction. Similarly, your lifestyle choices can contribute to erectile dysfunction. Aside from performance anxiety, frequent drinking of alcohol, cigarette smoking, and the use of medications can contribute to erectile dysfunction.

7. The average size of an erect penis is between 5.1 and 5.5 inches.

The fear of having an inadequate penis size often affects one’s self-confidence, self-image, and self-esteem. They say that size matters, but does it, really?

According to a study of 1629 men, the combined mean length of erect penises was 5.36 inches, while another study of 13,719 men found that the approximate mean was 5.11 inches.

Say Hello to Happiness with Shockwave for ED!

Shockwave for ED Boca Raton FLFortunately, there is something you can do about erectile dysfunction. Your relationship with your partner should not be affected by erectile dysfunction.

LifeGaines Med Spa in Boca Raton offers Shockwave for ED. Shockwave for ED utilizes DualStim technology, a new breakthrough treatment for men who have erectile dysfunction.

DualStim harnesses the science of acoustic wave technology and combines it with the healing power of stem cell therapy.


Our Shockwave for ED procedures is based on science, which is why we have fantastic and significant results.

Get Shockwave for ED in Boca Raton

Feel like the man you used to be at LifeGaines Med Spa in Boca Raton! Shockwave for ED is a great erectile dysfunction treatment that can help you improve blood flow and improve your sex drive.

Aside from offering sexual health services, LifeGaines Med Spa in Boca Raton also offers hormone therapy services, aesthetic treatments, and wellness procedures.

Our expert staff and physicians will be there with you at every point of your journey with LifeGaines.

Combat symptoms of erectile dysfunction! Contact LifeGaines today at (561) 931-2430 to learn more about men’s health services in Boca Raton.